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Independent Filmmakers Unite!

New and independent filmmakers should unite because they face unique challenges in the film industry. Unlike major studios, independent filmmakers often have limited resources and struggle to secure funding and distribution for their work. By coming together as a community, independent filmmakers can pool their resources, share knowledge and expertise, and support each other in their creative endeavors. Additionally, a united front can help to raise awareness of the value and importance of independent cinema, and promote greater diversity and inclusivity in the film industry. By working together, independent filmmakers can overcome the barriers they face and create a more vibrant and dynamic film culture for audiences around the world.

Watch On Any Device

To watch a video, the subscriber simply needs to log in to their account on the device of their choice and select the desired video from the service’s library.  With the right streaming service and device, subscribers can enjoy their favorite videos on their own terms, whenever and wherever they want.

We offer a growing volume of film profducts from up-and-coming filmmakers from across the land — all for your viewing enjoyment.

Make Your Own Playlist

Creating your own personal film watch list can provide several advantages. Firstly, it can help you keep track of the films you want to watch in the future, making it easier to remember, Directors and titles. Secondly, it allows you to plan your viewing schedule and prioritize the films you want to watch, helping you manage your time more effectively. Additionally, having a watch list can help you discover new directors, actors, and films, and explore different genres, as you can add recommendations from friends or critics to your list. Finally, a personal film watch list can be a fun and rewarding way to satisfy your love of film, as you can enjoy the satisfaction of ticking off titles as you watch them and feel a sense of accomplishment as you work your way through your list.

All Genres Welcome

Welcoming all film genres can provide a rich and varied viewing experience, allowing audiences to explore a wide range of themes, styles, and perspectives. By embracing different genres, viewers can discover new and exciting stories and characters, expanding their horizons and broadening their understanding of the world around them. Additionally, welcoming all genres can help to break down barriers and promote inclusivity, as different groups and communities are represented on screen. This can help to foster empathy and understanding among viewers, promoting greater tolerance and acceptance. Finally, embracing all genres can help to encourage creativity and innovation in filmmaking, as filmmakers are inspired to push boundaries and experiment with new techniques and approaches. Overall, welcoming all film genres can enrich our cultural experience, helping us to connect with others and explore the full range of human experience.

We do not own the rights to these films.  Presented only as a way to inform and increase awareness.